2025: Generations

The theme for 2025 is Generations.

2025 will be the 10th gathering of Hillfolk since the convention started in 2014, after a COVID intermission and a virtual alternative.



 New to Seven Hills  ♦ Game Host  ◊ Planning to Host  ♣ Organiser

Register to join the following gamers at Seven Hills: Generations on 5-6 April 2025.

  1. Chris Crawshaw
  2. Dave McAlister  ♦ ♦
  3. Debbie Bagg  ◊
  4. Declan Feeney   ♦ ♦
  5. Dee Campbell
  6. Doerte Boehle
  7. Fil Baldowski
  8. Gary Bowerbank
  9. Guy Milner   ◊
  10. Hailey Pettit  
  11. Harriet Lowe
  12. Jag Goraya  ♣ 
  13. Jenny Pass
  14. Julien Pritchard
  15. Laurence Woodcock
  16. Mark Wilson
  17. Massie Harper
  18. Neil Hopkins  
  19. Owen MacRae  ♦
  20. Paul Baldowski
  21. Pete Atkinson
  22. Pete Bounous
  23. Phil Francis
  24. Ric Baines 
  25. Remi Fayomi 
  26. Simon Beaver ◊
  27. Sue Savage  ◊
  28. Tony Tootell
  29. Udo Kaiser
  30. you?